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ACF Turns 6: Ready Player 6?

Writer: Cassandra LauCassandra Lau

Updated: Jun 24, 2023

YESSSS We've hit the 6-year milestone!

Teams have been released and the workouts are underway! In the mean time, keep checking back on this space for event updates and details to the events to rack up those points!


There are 3 mini-events for you to attempt from 6th to 26th September!

  • 📷 ME6.1: Divide and conquer to take a selfie with your coaches! The more you capture, the more points you get. (and bonus points for our rarest Pokémon)

  • 👯ME6.2: We don't get many opportunities to meet across the classes, so here's a chance for you! Organize a team gathering at someone's place, or even do a class together!

  • 👋🏻ME6.3: We reminisce the good ol' #circuitbreaker days with the epic #NoHandBurpee Challenge! This time, 3 members must attempt to get the most number of no-hand burpees in 90 seconds. Remember to put MANY mats on the floor! We have folders for each of your teams in the Google Drive (link will be sent to you).

Submissions close 26th September at 1200hrs.


Team of 3


35 Double Unders/50 Single Unders

20 Dumbbell Ground-to-Overhead

15 Wallballs

Workout Description

Before starting the workout, athletes must confirm with their judges if they are doing double unders or single unders. Once decided, no changes can be made midway during the workout, i.e. if an athlete calls for double unders from the beginning, single unders done between reps will not count to their total score.

The workout begins with Athlete A on standby with their skipping ropes, while Athletes B & C wait behind the start line*. At the call of “3, 2, 1… go!”, Athlete A will commence on the skips. On the judges call of the final rep of the 35 double unders or 50 single unders, Athlete B will enter the workout area and proceed with the Dumbbell Ground-to-Overhead. He/she may clean and jerk or snatch the dumbbell, as long as both heads of the dumbbell touch the ground and his/her arm reaches full extension at the top. Once all 20 reps are complete, Athletes A/B & C will start on the synchro wallballs.

As soon as the synchro wallballs have been completed, the team will proceed with the next round of skips, so on and so forth. The cycle will continue until the clock reaches the 12-minute mark.

Teams may swap out their athletes in any order through the workout. There is no requirement to follow a fixed order for each team. Athletes may do movements back-to-back (i.e. go straight from the skips to the DB ground-to-overhead). However, once an athlete begins a movement, he/she must complete it before the next athlete takes over.

Every rep counts in this workout. The team’s score will be the total number of points from the total completed rounds and reps. Each synchronized wallball will count as one rep.

*Non-working athletes must wait behind the start line and may only enter the workout area when the previous athlete completes his/her final rep of the movement.

Full workout description and scoresheet here:


Team of 2


00:00-02:00 - Max Weight Pressed (Shoulder-to-Overhead)

02:00-04:00 - Max Wall Walks

Rest 1 min (04:00-05:00)


05:00-07:00 - Max Weight Front Squat

07:00-09:00 - Max Gymnastic Pulling

Rest 1 min (09:00-10:00)


10:00-12:00 - Max Weight Deadlifted

12:00-14:00 - Max Abmat Sit-Ups

Workout Description

Prior to starting this workout, each athlete will need to create a station to perform their wall walks as per the diagram below:

If necessary, athletes are to set up their stations for jumping pull-ups.

Athletes may load their barbells and set their weights for the first lifting component of the workout. Athletes must state their weights before commencing on their lifts. Weights cannot be changed out once the athletes have started on their lifts

This workout begins with the athletes standing behind their bars. After the call of “3, 2, 1… go,” the athletes can commence on their shoulder-to-overhead movements.

At the 02:00 min mark, athletes will proceed to the wall to commence on their wall walks until 04:00 min, where the athletes will be given a 1 min break. Only during this break will the athletes be able to change their weights for the next lift. This sequence will repeat itself from the front squats to pulling movements, and the final round of deadlifts into the ab-mat sit-ups.

This workout ends when the clock hits 14:00 min. The team’s total score will be the sum of the points derived from the total weight lifted and total reps completed before the 14-minute time cap.

Racking the bar is not permitted. Teams will have two barbells. Partners may assist one another with loading the bar but not with racking/unracking. For safety, spotting is not permitted. If the other athlete touches the bar or his/her teammate in any way, the rep will not count.

Full workout description and scoresheet here:


Team of 3


60 Snatches @ 43/30kg or @ 20/15kg

Max Cal Row

Rest 3 min (05:00 - 08:00)

08:00- 13:00

60 Weighted Box Step-Ups

@ 22.5kg/15kg or @15/10kg to 20”/24” box

Max Burpee Box Jump to 20”/24” bo

Workout Description

Prior to the start of the workout, athletes must clarify with their judges if they will do the RX’d or scaled movements for the snatches, box step-ups, and burpee box jumps.

This workout begins with the first athlete at the barbell. At the call of “3, 2, 1… go!” the athletes will commence on the snatches, tagging out to pass on the reps until 60 snatches are completed. Athletes must tag their teammate for the pass to count. If the team is using 2 bars for the snatches, the next athlete must wait for the bar to achieve a full lockout before he/she can lift the barbell off the ground.

Once all 60 snatches are completed, the team will move on to the rower. One athlete may be seated on the rower on standby, with the handle stowed and the monitor set to zero. When the last snatch is called, the first athlete will grab the handle and clock in as many cals as possible, before tagging their teammate. As with the snatches, the next athlete can only begin rowing after they have tagged hands.

At the 5-minute mark, the last calorie on the rower will be recorded, and the team will have a 3-minute rest. During this break, athletes must declare if he/she is doing burpee box jumps or box step-ups for the next workout. The athlete will not be allowed to change the movement mid-way during his/her attempt. i.e. if a box jump is declared, doing a box step-up will not be considered. However if a box step-up is declared and the athlete does a box jump, only the points corresponding to a box step-up will be awarded.

At the 8-minute mark, athletes will proceed to their weighted box step-ups. They may hold the dumbbell however they want, but at no point should the athlete touch his/her leg to step up to the box. The rep is credited when the athletes reach full extension at the top of the box. Athletes must tag out to pass on the reps until 60 weighted box step-ups are completed. Athletes must touch hands for the pass to count.

Once 60 weighted box step-ups are completed, the team will move on to the burpee box jumps. One athlete may be on standby, in front of the box. When the last rep is called, the athlete on the step-ups must tag the athlete on the burpees. The rep is credited when the athletes reach full extension at the top of the box. They will pass the movement to the next athlete by tagging hands with the next athlete.

Every second counts in this workout. The team’s score will be the total points earned from completing as many reps of the workout as possible.

Full workout description and scoresheet here:

Organized by Spoilmrkt.



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